Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sunday arvo stroll, and then winter arrives.....

Well, Sunday was just a spectacular day. The wind dropped early (it normally blows at least 25 knots every morning until midday) and the sun was shining. It was a balmy -6 degrees and finally, after sitting inside admiring the day through the window, I ventured outside.

East Arm was my destination, a part of the Station I had not previously explored. This is the area that supports most of our radio and Met antennae. It is also the final destination of our WTF outfall. It is not as picturesque as West Arm, which I posted photo's of in my first Blog episode, but it has an appeal of it's own. That appeal is the wild life. So many times I very nearly walked into multiple penguin. The Adelie penguins actually get a little aggressive when you venture too close. They aren't quite in the category of "attack" penguin, but they let you know when they aren't happy. I probably encountered forty or so on my journey. Along the way I passed the "front paddock" where the seals hang out. These guys were not interested in me at all, in fact all of them, with one exception, were fast asleep and had no idea I'd come so close.

On my return to the Redshed, some of the team were enjoying the sunny conditions and having a social beer in the backyard. Not being a rude man I joined them. Our Sunday Sesh lasted all of two beers before we got too cold and moved it inside.

As is often the case here in Antarctica, every picture perfect day has a price to pay. That price arrived yesterday afternoon, in the form of what I've been warned was a very minor blizzard (in fact I'll get grief for even mentioning the word in relation to our recent bad weather). It started snowing yesterday morning and it was quite nice while the wind was gentle. Snow started to settle on the ground. I set my GoPro on time lapse to capture the transition from bare rock to winter wonderland......... Only to return an hour or so later to see the wind screaming past the window carrying all the snow that had settled, away and out across Horseshoe Harbour! This morning the snow was even heavier, and the wind just as strong, so much so that my beard ended up frosty and white after a five minute walk between Warren and the Chocolate Factory. Ah, the novelty. Pretty soon it will be an every day occurrence.

The forecast for the rest of the week gets worse before it gets better. Tomorrow is forecast to be up to 55 knots. Our field training is now postponed until Saturday. Hopefully well be granted three crystal clear and calm days for our first time up on the plateau and around the mountains. Not likely, but it pays to be positive.

Anyway, enjoy the photo's. Until next time.
Haere ra.

The front paddock
My best "sleeping seal" shot so far....

This little guy followed me as if he wanted to come for a walk.

Angry bird(s)

The calm before the storm

Sunday Sesh, Antarctic style

The payoff

The silver shed is our hydroponics house. Seriously.

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